Friday, December 11, 2015


  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical Oporators
  • Relational Operators
  • Comparison
  • ALU

    ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logical Unit. It performs all the arithmetic and logical calculations. ALU also does comparisons takes decessions . Whenever any calculations has to be done the Control Unit transfers the required data from Memory Unit to ALU

    Monday, November 30, 2015


    CPU Stands for Central Processing Unit.
    simply it is the heart of the computer
    It converts user given data into meaningful information,
    the conversion user given data into meaning information is called process,
    CPU have mainly 3 parts

    • ALU
    • MU
    • CU

    Input Devices of Computer

    1. Keyboard
    2. Mouse
    3. Joystick
    4. Scanner
    5. Digitizer
    6. Trackball
    7. Lightpen
    8. Barcodereader
    9. Touchscreen
    All Input Devices performs the folllowing functions they are
    • Accepts the Data and Inputs from the user
    • Converts into a form that computer can understand
    • sends the converted data to CPU for further processing

    Thursday, November 26, 2015


    Data is nothing but information we storing in the computer like text, pictures, video, audio etc..,

    Meaning of Computer

    The word Computer is derived from "Computation" which means "calculations".

    Computer is an electronic device that can accept data from the user store process init and produce the required output or result.

    Wednesday, November 25, 2015


    • C-ommonly
    • O-perating
    • M-achine
    • P-articularly
    • U-sed for
    • T-echnical
    • E-ducational
    • R-esearch